Welcome to Community Bible Chapel
Community Bible Chapel is an independent non-denominational church defined by two relationships:
First, our relationship with God through Jesus Christ;
and secondly, our relationships with each other.
We'll be digging into the Scriptures to learn more about the amazing and
transforming power of the Truth of God's Word!
Our Worship Service
A few words about worship.
Some may ask what our worship is like at CBC. And we need to answer that in two ways.
A word about our worship service
We have a blended contemporary worship. Which means that we have a worship band that leads our singing of Theologically solid songs from antiquity as well as modern songs from today. In the midst of that, we give an opportunity for public testimony for praise to our Lord. Whether teaching in the Old Testament or the New, our teaching all centers on Christ and the Gospel, what He has done for us, and how that changes us today. We desire to faithfully teach the Word of God and how it intersects with our lives on a daily basis.
A word about worship itself
When we speak of Worship at CBC, we are not talking about the songs we sing, an event, or a tradition. These are all meaningful in our worship, but they do not produce worship. They merely give us a place to bring our worship too.
Worship is of the heart. Jesus spoke of worship in Matthew 15. “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” And as we worship; the songs, events, and tradition simply encompass our worship of the heart that is already happening. Since worship is of the heart, it’s not something we go to do, but something we live every moment. It’s a lifestyle.
We do not encourage you to leave your baggage at the door so you can worship - what good is that? God is bigger than that. We want to learn to worship Him through the “all things” that He allows for our good, to make us more like Christ (Romans 8:28-29).
Our Staff
Pastor Noah Kellerman
PastorPastor Noah Kellerman is married to Marlie. They have four children (Olivia – 8, Porter – 6, Quintin -…
Team Members
Pastor Noah Kellerman
PastorPastor Jack Klosheim
PastorPastor Jack is married to Sue and they have four sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren. Together they enjoy…