Our counselors are Pastors and other qualified individuals trained in Biblical Counseling. We strive to offer excellence in soul care. Our counselors are certified or in the process of being certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.
For more information on our individual counselors – click here.
What is the Cost?
All our counseling is free of charge. Our Biblical Counseling Center provides the facilities and the counselors volunteer their time and services to come alongside you. Any resources we may use (books or pamphlets) are available to you at our cost or for what you might be able to afford. Most of our materials are available in both our resource center and our lending library.
How Long Will Counseling Last?
Normally, counseling sessions last one hour and are held once per week. Depending on how you apply what you are learning, the counseling may last between 6-16 weeks. The number of sessions will be shortened or lengthened according to your desire to work and grow.
Is The Counseling Confidential?
Everything is strictly confidential except where, in the counselor’s judgment, there is a Biblical requirement to involve others, such as in the case of criminal activity. If you are from another church body, we will ask you to invite your pastor because he will be responsible to follow up with your care.
Projects for Growth
These projects, given to you by your counselor, are essential for your growth and continuing on a path of godliness. They will link you to the life-giving water of our good and gracious God. Therefore, weekly projects for growth must be faithfully completed in order to continue counseling.
How Do I Get Started?
The first step in the counseling process is to have the individual(s) interested in being counseled fill out a Personal Data Inventory or PDI (Click here for PDF or here for WORD document to download), as well as reading through and signing a Consent to Counsel form (click here to download). Once the PDI is filled out, please e-mail the completed document as an attachment to pastorjack@communitybiblechapel.com or mail it to the church at:
577 Greenough Road
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Once the PDI is received, one of our counselors will contact you and set up a time to meet with you. Depending on the number of people we are currently counseling, there may be a waiting list. Then simply bring the Consent to Counsel form with you to the first meeting and the counselor will take it from there.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call the church office at 607-547-9764.