The youth group here at Community Bible Chapel is a great group of teens (grades 6th – 12th) that meets at least weekly for fellowship, food, fun, which includes a bible study!

They meet regularly on Friday evening from 7 – 9 PM. For more information, please contact Pastor Noah or call 607-547-9764.

The goal of the youth ministry at Community Bible Chapel is to glorify God, by moving young people to a deeper love for God, a deeper love for people, resulting in a greater ability to impact their world for Christ.

Some of the Friday Nights include playing NERF, dodgeball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, movie nights, all nighters, water games, and many many more activities. Some of the events that occur either on Fridays or throughout the week include going on mission trips, winter retreats, Teen Leadership Conference, All-Nighters, and so many other fun things!

See how you or your teen could get involved today!

For the most updated Youth Group schedule, click the link below:

Talk to Pastor Noah if you have any questions

Cell: 484-788-3209


Book your tickets