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Living Hope


Verse 1

How great the chasm that lay between us

How high the mountain I could not climb

In desperation I turned to heaven

And spoke Your name into the night

Then through the darkness Your loving-kindness

Tore through the shadows of my soul

The work is finished the end is written

Jesus Christ my living hope


Verse 2

Who could imagine so great a mercy

What heart could fathom such boundless grace

The God of ages stepped down from glory

To wear my sin and bear my shame

The cross has spoken I am forgiven

The King of kings calls me His own

Beautiful Savior I’m Yours forever

Jesus Christ my living hope



Hallelujah praise the One who set me free

Hallelujah death has lost its grip on me

You have broken every chain

There’s salvation in Your name

Jesus Christ my living hope


Verse 3

Then came the morning that sealed the promise

Your buried body began to breathe

Out of the silence the Roaring Lion

Declared the grave has no claim on me


Jesus Yours is the victory whoa



Jesus Christ my living hope

Oh God You are my living hope


CCLI Song # 7106807

Brian Johnson | Phil Wickham

CCLI License # 296088


How Great Is Your Faithfulness


The heavens ring

The saints all sing

Great is Your faithfulness

From age to age we will proclaim

Great is Your faithfulness

(How great is Your faithfulness)



Verse 1

Now unto the King who reigns over all

And never changes or turns

Unfailing justice unfading grace

Whose promises remain

Yes Your promises remain



Verse 2

Ev’rything changes but You stay the same

Your Word and kingdom endure

We lean on the promise of all that You are

And trust forevermore

We will trust forevermore



From generation to generation

You never failed us O God

Yesterday and today and tomorrow

Until the day You return



How great is Your faithfulness


CCLI Song # 5557055

Jonas Myrin | Matt Redman

CCLI License # 296088


New City Catechism #26

What else does Christ’s death redeem?

Christ death is the beginning of the redemption and renewal of every part of fallen creation, as he powerfully directs all things for his own glory and creation’s good.


Cor. 1:19-20

“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, Making peace by the blood of his cross.”


Jesus Messiah


Verse 1

He became sin who knew no sin

That we might become His righteousness

He humbled Himself and carried the cross

Love so amazing love so amazing



Jesus Messiah Name above all names

Blessed Redeemer Emmanuel

The Rescue for sinners

The Ransom from heaven

Jesus Messiah Lord of all


Verse 2

His body the bread His blood the wine

Broken and poured out all for love

The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn

Love so amazing love so amazing



All our hope is in You

All our hope is in You

All the glory to You God

The Light of the world



Jesus Messiah

Lord of all

The Lord of all

The Lord of all


CCLI Song # 5183443

Chris Tomlin | Daniel Carson | Ed Cash | Jesse Reeves

CCLI License # 296088


The Glory Of The Cross


Verse 1

What wisdom once devised the plan

Where all our sin and pride

Was placed upon the perfect Lamb

Who suffered bled and died

The wisdom of a sov’reign God

Whose greatness will be shown

When those who crucified Your Son

Rejoice around Your throne



And oh the glory of the cross

That You would send Your Son for us

I gladly count my life as loss

That I might come to know

The glory of the glory of the cross


Verse 2

What righteousness was there revealed

That sets the guilty free

That justifies ungodly men

And calls the filthy clean

A righteousness that proved to all

Your justice has been met

And holy wrath is satisfied

Through one atoning death


Verse 3

What mercy now has been proclaimed

For those who would believe

A love incomprehensible

Our minds could not conceive

A mercy that forgives my sin

And makes me like Your Son

And now I’m loved forevermore

Because of what You’ve done

CCLI Song # 2986533

Bob Kauflin

CCLI License # 296088



Lamb Of God


Verse 1

Your only Son no sin to hide

But You have sent Him from Your side

To walk upon this guilty sod

And to become the Lamb of God


Verse 2

Your gift of love they crucified

They laughed and scorned Him as He died

The humble King they named a fraud

And sacrificed the Lamb of God


Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God

I love the holy Lamb of God

Oh wash me in His precious blood

My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God


Verse 3

I was so lost I should have died

But You have brought me to Your side

To be led by Your staff and rod

And to be called a lamb of God


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